With a strong background in sustainable plastics manufacturing and research, I am committed to providing eco-friendly solutions for the medical and scientific industries. I have extensive experience in developing medical devices and scientific equipment, and I am dedicated to creating innovative and sustainable products.

My Background


Experience and Expertise

2020 - Present


2015 - 2019


2010 - 2014

Current Projects
green and brown wooden handle
green and brown wooden handle


We are currently working on developing new medical devices and scientific equipment that are sustainable and eco-friendly. Our projects focus on improving the quality of healthcare and scientific research while minimizing the impact on the environment.

Past Projects

In the past, we have successfully completed various projects in the medical and scientific fields. Our projects have included the development of innovative medical devices and equipment that have contributed to advancements in healthcare and scientific research.

red roses in brown cardboard box on bicycle
red roses in brown cardboard box on bicycle